Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Online Petition to support Somaliland International Recognition

We, the signatories of this petition, call for Somaliland to be formally ‪‎recognised‬ as an independent state.

On May 18 2016, the people of Somaliland will celebrate 25 years of independence. In a region marred by violence and insecurity, Somaliland represents a remarkable success story. Since 1991, Somaliland has established a ‪#‎peaceful‬, democratic state that provides services to its people. It has shown itself to be a reliable partner on issues as varied as terrorism, piracy, extremism, and trafficking.
Photo: MoFA Somaliland 

A former British Protectorate which won its independence on 26 June 1960, Somaliland was an independent, sovereign state before it entered into a failed union with Somalia on a dubious legal basis. The population of Somaliland suffered systematic discrimination, injustice, and mass killings during the union with Somalia.On May 18 1991, the people dissolved the union with Somalia and reclaimed their independence.
Somaliland‘s claim to sovereignty is unquestionable.Yet despite 25 years of experience as an independent state,and in spite of Somaliland fulfilling all of the criteria for statehood under international law, being praised as an oasis of peace in a volatile region, and continuing popular support for independence, Somaliland is still waiting for the recognition it deserves.
The costs to ‪#‎Somaliland‬ from lack of recognition are great, including Somaliland’s inability to access aid, credit and foreign direct investment. These restrictions undermine attempts to provide jobs and necessary social services and make it more likely for young people to be lured into piracy, extremism or trafficking. Somaliland is also unfairly excluded from international fora that affect its people, such as the climate change talks in Paris.This denial of recognition is tantamount to collective punishment, effectively imposing a global embargo on the country and denying fundamental human rights to its citizens.
We the people of #Somaliland, call on the peoples and governments of the world, to respect our right to self-determination and formally recognise Somaliland as an equal participant in the global community of nations. Ending the injustice of our present isolation will allow us to flourish as a people and bring stability, peace and prosperity to the region.
Please follow the link below:
Source : MoFA Somaliland