Thursday, May 12, 2016

European Parliament (press release) on Djibouti Elections

MEPs call for a thorough investigation into the transparency of the April 2016 elections in Djibouti, which produced a landslide vote of 87.1% in favour of a fourth five-year term for President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh.
The poll was criticised by opposition parties and rights groups as having been obtained by political repression.

Fair elections, free from intimidation are important, say MEPs, repeating the EU’s call for the results from each polling station in both the 2013 and 2016 elections to be published. The electoral experts mission offered by the EU to monitor the elections was turned down by the Djibouti authorities, they note.

The resolution also condemns acts of rape allegedly committed by Djibouti soldiers, reported by NGOs and highlighted by Djibouti women who went on hunger strike in Paris and Brussels to demand an international inquiry. Finally, it condemns the lack of an independent press in Djibouti, and the monitoring and censorship of websites critical of the government.
Procedure:  Non-legislative resolutions
REF. : 20160504IPR25768


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