Thursday, November 17, 2016

Somaliland FM visites Brussels for a series of meetings with European diplomats, officials and politicians

(MoFA)- Brussels, 17 November 2016—Somaliland Foreign Minister Saad Ali Shire visited Brussels yesterday for a series of meetings with European diplomats, officials and politicians.

In the morning, he met Claudia Wiedey, Head of Division for the Horn of Africa at the European External Action Service, with whom he discussed Somaliland’s democratic record and Europe’s aid contributions.
  Later, Foreign Minister Shire was hosted by Nirj Deva MEP at a meeting in the European Parliament about the recognition of Somaliland. Foreign Minister Shire set out the historical and legal case for Somaliland’s recognition, while emphasizing the impact of the recent drought, upcoming elections, and relations with Somalia. Several MEPs supported Somaliland, citing its positive human rights record and quarter-century of peaceful state-building. The meeting ended with MEP Deva calling for a non-binding resolution recognising Somaliland’s independence, and a proposal to set up a ‘Friends of Somaliland’ group in the European Parliament.
Source- MoFA| Somaliland