Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Saudi military base in Djibouti on track

(Gulg News)- Manama: Djibouti’s Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Youssouf said a deal to build a Saudi military base in the country will happen “very soon.”

“There are no hesitations on the deal and the delay is purely technical as such matters do take some time, and there are no political reasons behind it,” the minister said.

“The security, military and strategic draft of the accord is ready and the coastal areas that could host the base, be it military or naval, have been identified after Saudi military officers and officials explored some of the Djibouti areas. “We have agreed on the base, and the accord is still valid,” the minister said in an interview with London-based Saudi owned Al Sharq Al Awsat daily on Sunday.
The deal was initially discussed in March earlier this year.