Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Qatar Charity opens health centre in Somalia

Qatar Charity (QC) has opened a model health centre in Somalia’s Jazeera region. The facility is located about 30km southwest of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

The centre, described as the first of its kind in the region, includes a mosque and Qur’an memorisation house and provides therapeutic healthcare services for 80,000 people, QC has said in a statement. 
“The facility was built due to the lack of health centres in many Somali provinces, the outbreak of epidemic and infectious diseases, difficulties faced by the residents who are forced to travel to Mogadishu to meet their health needs, high treatment costs and other negative impact on vulnerable groups,” said Mohamed Hussein Omar, QC’s director of the regional office in Kenya who is tasked with following up on projects carried out in Somalia.

He explained that the centre provides therapeutic healthcare services that will help reduce the outbreak of epidemic and infectious diseases among the population and reduce mortality by immunising children. He stressed that QC built the health centre to accelerate development in Somalia and help the people of the region have a decent life.
Omar also extended his gratitude to the people of Qatar for supporting the project.
Qatar Charity had previously opened a dialysis centre at Arafat Hospital, Mogadishu, which is the first of its kind in Somalia. The comprehensive centre provides constant monthly care for 150 dialysis patients.

In response to appeals launched by the Somali government and international humanitarian organisations, QC recently offered urgent humanitarian aid to the Somali people to reduce the impact of the severe drought and alleviate the burdens of the people who are suffering from the two-decade civil war. In this regard, QC has distributed 500 units of dry ration to affected families in Garadag and the villages of Sanaag province where the population is suffering from food shortage following the death of the livestock they depended on.
QC in Somalia carried out programmes and activities in several areas, including sponsorships, social welfare, education, culture, water and sanitation, income-generating projects, urgent relief and early recovery.
Source- Gulf Times
