Saturday, June 10, 2017

Somaliland sides with Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar

(Medeshi, Hargeisa)- In an emergency cabinet meeting today, the Somaliland ministers  have  issues the following press release  in support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar in the Gulf dispute.

1. Somaliland fully supports the position, the decisions and actions taken by  Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar in the political dispute between the Gulf countries.
2.  Effective today, no airline will fly the Somaliland airspace without the permission of the Somaliland government.
3. Somaliland is a sovereign state and has all the rights to control its air, sea and land borders. Somalia doesn’t control our space and has no authority  to give permission to any party to use the airspace, the ports and the land of the republic of Somaliland.

Saad Shire
Minister of Foreign affairs .
