Monday, July 10, 2017

Goobjoog media journalist detained in Somaliland

Press Release : Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to immediately release Omar Ali Hassan Serbia, a journalist with Goobjoog Media.

 Omar was detained on 8th July from Egal Airport, Hargeisa, after he returned from Mogadishu where the media he works for is based.
Omar is detained in undisclosed location and his family is unable to meet him.  He is not brought to court as mandated by the law. Omar is not charged of any crime and the government has not stated the reason of his detention.

  Article 32 (3) of the Constitution says “The press and other media are part of the fundamental freedoms of expression and are independent. All acts to subjugate them are prohibited, and a law shall determine their regulation,”
Human Rights Centre is very concerned of the detention of journalists and application of the criminal law over the journalists, a practice contrary to the Constitution and the Press Law of Somaliland.
Human Rights Centre calls on the government to release Omar.

Suxufi ka tirsan warbaahinta Goobjoog ayaa lagu xidhay Somaliland
Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay dawladda Somaliland ugu baaqaysaa inay xorriyadiisa u soo celiso Cumar Cali Xasan Seerbiya oo ah suxufi ka tirsan warbaahinta Goobjoog.
Cumar waxa laga qabtay 8 July gegida diyaaradaha ee Cigaal ee magaalada Hargeysa kadib markii uu ka soo noqday Muqdisho oo ah xarunta warbaahinta uu u shaqeeyo.
Cumar waxa lagu hayaa goob aan la sheegin, qoyskiisuna lama kulmin. Wax maxkamad ah lama keenin islamarkaana wax dembi ah laguma eedayn, dawladuna ma sheegin sababta ay u xidhay.
 Qodobka 32(3) ee dastuurka Somaliland wuxuu sheegayaa “saxaafadda iyo warbaahinta kale waxay ka mid yihiin xorriyaadka asaasiga ah ee ra'yi- dhiibashada, waxayna leeyihiin madax-bannaanidooda; way reebban tahay tallaabo  kasta  oo  lagu  cabudhinayo;  hawshoodana  xeer baa nidaaminaya.”
  Xarunta Xuquuqal insaanku waxay walaac ka qabtaa xadhiga suxufiyiinta Somaliland iyo isticmaalka xeerka ciqaabta ee lagu dabaqayo warbaahinta, dhaqankaas oo ka soo horjeeda dastuurka iyo Xeerka Saxaafadda Somaliland.
Xaruntu waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay xoriyadiisa u soo celiso suxufi Cumar Seerbiya.

Guleid Ahmed Jama
Chairperson of Human Rights Centre, Hargeisa Somaliland, website :
Mobile: +252 63 4468227    Email:
