Wednesday, January 24, 2018

London - Anglo-Somali Society Meeting, Wednesday 21 February 2018

(Medeshi ) Kingston upon Thames
Admission by supper ticket bought in advance (see below)
5.30pm for 6pm at the YMCA Indian Student Hostel, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ

The nearest underground stations are Great Portland Street, Warren Street, and Euston. The venue is the upstairs conference room. The halal supper costs £8.50, paid in advance. The additional charge of £1.50 will go towards the hire of the room.
5.30 – 6.00 pm Arrival in Conference Room
6.00 – 6.10 pm AGM Chaired by the President, Dr. Yusuf Omar Ali
Agenda 1. Chairman’s Report.
2. Treasurer’s Report.
3. Council elections.
Proposals for new council members, chairperson, and vice-chairperson (with their prior agreement) and names ofvolunteers should reach the Hon. Sec. Dr. Susan Sills by 8 Feb. 2018. The names of all the present Council Members and Officers can be found inside the back cover of the Autumn 2017 Journal.
4. Any other business.
5. Date of next AGM: 20 February 2019.

6.10pm Meeting introduced by the Chair, Dr. Eleni Palazidou
Dr. Martin Orwin with Aisha Afrah and Hanna Ali:

An Evening of Poetry, Readings and Discussion.

Dr. Orwin is senior lecturer in Somali and Amharic at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London). He is a longstanding member of the Anglo-Somali Society and supporter of its objectives.
Writing by young Somalis in the diaspora is becoming better known with poets such as Warsan Shire and Ladan Osman making a name for themselves internationally. In this event two young poets and writers, Aisha Afrah and Hanna Ali will read their work in English, and Martin Orwin will read translations of recent Somali poems. There will be an opportunity for discussing the work and Martin will give a brief introduction to Somali poetry and recent developments of poetry by Somalis in Somali and English.
7.30pm Supper
Tickets available through Eventbrite or by post as below:
Cost per head (supper and towards hire of hall) will be £10.00 (£8.00 for students/unwaged).
PLEASE RETURN THIS SLIP with cheque or postal order by Friday 16 February 2018 to David Brooks, 67 Mill End Road, Cambridge CB1 9JW
Tickets will be sent to you by post. A stamped, addressed envelope would be appreciated.
I enclose £………. for myself and ………..other guest(s).
Name(s) (as for label on chest)…………………………………………………………………………(please print)
Address to which ticket(s) should be sent………………………………………………………………………...
Cheque/postal order payable to: Anglo-Somali Society.
Check here for more: