Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Flooding across Somaliland and Somalia

(Crises response) - Moderate to heavy rains are continuing across much of Somalia, with flooding likely to worsen, particularly near rivers.

Photo : Credit of John Gerard 

Approximately 15 people were killed in the Lughaya and Baki districts in Somaliland due to heavy rains and flooding. At least six people were killed in flooding across the city of Mogadishu. Additionally, more than 300 homes were destroyed. Tropical Storm Sagar, which struck on Saturday before dissipating, caused flooding-disruptions along the northern coast. At least three people were killed due to flooding from the storm and an unspecified number of homes were destroyed. Updated reports indicate that more than 772,000 people have been impacted by flooding in multiple locations across the country and up to 229,000 people are estimated to be displaced nationwide. Around 15,000 children have been impacted by school closures caused by the flooding. At least ten people have been killed in the Beledweyne area of Hiran region, with another 10,000 evacuated from Beledweyne by peacekeeping forces. Around 132,000 people have been displaced in the area as well and flood waters are reportedly continuing to rise.

In Jubaland, 70,775 people have been displaced, including in Saakow, Bu ale, Luuq, Afmadow, Ceel Waaq, Jilib, and Jamaame. Flooding continues in Gedo, and the Middle and Lower Juba regions.

In Hirshabelle State, approximately 145,852 people have been displaced or isolated, and residents are continuing to abandon their homes. In the state s Middle Shebelle region, 7,000 people have been displaced near Horseed.

In South West State, most towns have seen some level of flooding. In the state s Lower Shabelle region, nearly 3,000 people have been displaced in Qoryooley, and in the Bay region 174,000 people have been impacted by flooding in the Baidoa area.

In Galmudug State, more than 15,000 people have been impacted by flooding in Hobyo district, with 5,213 displaced. At least two people were killed in Mudug. In the state s Galguduud Region, flooding has been reported in Abudwaq, Danwadaag, Kulmiye, Wadajir, and Dhuusamareeb, with more than 9,000 people displaced.

Flooding has also affected 53,814 people in the Banaadir region. Somali military forces and UN peacekeepers are participating in relief operations in multiple regions. Cholera outbreaks are expected to rise do to contaminated water. Expect associated ongoing disruptions