Thursday, May 31, 2018

Somaliland - Penha represented at the World Food Security side-event

PENHA was represented by Sadia Ahmed, PENHA Somaliland Country Representative at the Committee on World Food Security
which promotes 'Making a Difference in food Security and Nurtrition' - CFS44 Side Event of 'Women's Empowerment for Better Resiliance in Pastoral Communities' in Rome, Italy. The following note is extracted from the document produced by the side-event orgnisers:

While pastoralists have been increasingly vocal at the international level, the voice of pastoralist women is yet to be heard despite playing a key role in the development of pastoralism. This side-event will bring to the fore the often ignored perspectives and experiences of pastoralist women. It will encourage discussion on empowering pastoralist women to promote the continued sustenance of pastoralism in the face of diverse global challenges.

Ms Ahmed was part of the all-women panel discussion and present a topic titled as 'What role do women play in pastoralist communities in East Africa and to promote resilience of pastoralist systems, especially in view of climate shocks, drought and conflict?'. The key objectives of the panel were:

To highlight the role of women among pastoralist communities
To encourage women’s participation for resilient pastoralist systems
To consider strategies to safeguard women’s rights and to promote greater inclusion of pastoralist women’s voices in policy making for pastoralists
The side-event was held on October 12th 2017 and experts from different organisations were delivered presentations and participated in the panel discusions including people from FAO, Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, Pastoramericas, Comité permanent Inter-Etat de Luttecontre la Sécheressedans le Sahel , Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation and CELEP.

To read the blog on the event produced by Georges Djohy, Prolinnova Subregional Coordinator for West & Central Africa click here.

For further notes please click here. For an overview of the overall event pleae click here.

Photo credit: ©FAO/Carlo Perla (Source) - the first photo of Sadia Ahmed is from FAO Rome.