Thursday, May 31, 2018

Two Kenyan al Shabaab fighters executed for spying for KDF

(The Star Kenya ) - Al Shabaab terror group on Monday executed two Kenyans it accused of spying for Somalia and Kenyan intelligence services.

Shukri Ali, 22, who hails from Garissa, and Farah Godane from Lamu were executed by dagger-wielding militants in the presence of the locals in Fino town, Lower Shabelle region.

The executions are mainly by firing squad, throat slitting and stoning.

The militants often force locals to gather and witness the brutal executions to discourage anyone who may think of betraying their cause.

A source further confirmed that later that evening, five other Kenyans and two Tanzanians were tortured in the same camp over allegations of ISIS connections.

Read: Two Kenyan al Shabaab fighters executed for spying for KDF

The source added that the tortured group was found reading online content that the leader of the camp said was related to ISIS.

Ailing Al Shabaab leader Abu Ubeidha released an audio message on May 20 reaffirming the group's allegiance to Al Qaeda.