Sunday, July 8, 2018

Ethiopian Leader makes History with His official Visit to Eritrea

Asmara, Jul 8 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopia''s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, arrived in this capital on the first visit made by a leader of the neighboring country to Eritrea in 20 years.

The arrival of Ahmed comes after the two States began tentative steps to end a border dispute that led to a bloody war from 1998 to 2000, with an estimated of 70,000 people killed.

Thus, the Ethiopian leader was received at the international airport by the Eritrean president, Isaias Afwerki, and is expected to hold discussions on efforts to achieve a lasting peace, as well as ways to revive the common history and the link between peoples, interrupted for decades of rupture at the political and economic level.

Earlier this month, Addis Ababa also received a high-level delegation headed by Eritrea's Foreign Minister Osman Salah.

On June 5, the Executive Committee of the ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, approved a decision expressing commitment to the unconditional implementation of the Algiers peace agreement.

This pact ended the two-year conflict, but a tense armed confrontation continued, while Ethiopia refused to fully support the results of the document, including the transfer of the symbolically important city of Badme.

For its part, Asmara had insisted until recently that border demarcation should be done first before any conversation about the normalization of ties.