Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Slavery in Saudi Arabia

(Medeshi)- During many  years of my service for various companies in Saudi Arabia, I have observed the  of abuse against the African blacks by the Royal family, the rich and the tribal leaders.

Places like Mecca which is the holiest city in the Muslim world hosts more than 80,000 black of African origin who were mainly brought to the Arabian Peninsula by the slave traders. Other cities like Riyadh , Jubail , Jeddha and Jizan have also huge numbers of black slaves from Africa dispersed throughout the Arabian house holds.
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Till this date blacks are owned in places like Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, mainly by the Saudi Royal Family. The current estimated number of the Saudi Royal family is around 10,000 and almost all of these princes or princesses own one or more slaves in their palaces.These captives have for a long time known nothing but serving their Arab masters and seem to have accepted their current status because of the consequences of any uprising or demand for their freedom. Hilatul Al Abiid (or the slave quarters) is a huge district in Riyadh which is characterised by the sale of slaves throughout the Arabian Peninsula during the 19th century slave trade . The main ports of arrival for these slaves from Africa were Jubail – where you can still see the remnants of the slave trade – and Jeddah in the Red sea. Again till this date,  Saudi Arabian government turns a blind eye to the plight of these Africans and therefore , abuse and maltreatment of these people has become common and rampant.An example of how these Africans are treated is that those blacks who work in the Holy Haram are often castrated to eliminate any sexual desire  to make them devoted to the work in the Holy mosque. Another example of castration is also among those who are owned by the Royal Family. Slaves who work in the Royal palaces are mainly castrated in order to prevent their sexual contact with the Arab women who live in / or within the vicinity of the palaces. Saudi Arabia is a wealthy nation and often avoids any action by the international community against its human rights abuses. But no one knows what will happen when the oil runs out.