Friday, June 1, 2018

Kenyatta reboots himself as a champion of justice

(Africa intelligence) - With corruption scandals undermining his government, President Uhuru Kenyatta wants to salvage his reputation in his last term in office.

He has demanded inquiries into the thefts that the National Youth Services, the Kenya Forest Services, Kenya Power and the National Cereals and Produce Board stand accused of, and can count on the Nation Media Group (Daily Nation, Sunday Nation) to trumpet his efforts: the agreement between the Kenyatta family and the group's majority shareholder, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development , is reportedly on the verge of being signed.

The Presidential Strategic Communications Unit (PSCU) run by Dennis Itumbi and the Office of the President headed by Karanja Kibicho are also very active on social media. The PSCU has been using Twitter to denounce fake documents circulating on the internet (see here), while bloggers close to the Jubilee Party are publicising the president's anti-corruption measures. They include Pauline Njoroge (see here) and Polycarp Hinga, who describes himself as a Jubilee propagandist (see here). It seems they have also been asked to post articles to divert public attention away from these scandals…